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为 2022 年的外太空寻找希望 | 我们的节日特辑

2023-04-05 12:16:10

. Only humans have a frontal cortex larger than primates, enabling language and goal-setting to address the complex problems we face. Nature, despite the devastating assaults, has incredible capacity to regenerate. Dr. Goodall tells stories: of a tree (now viewed by the Japanese as sacred) that survived the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, of the return of animals such as the Iberian lynx after the NGO Rewilding Europe initiative. The third reason she is hopeful is the global Roots and Shoots movement involving hundreds of thousands of student members from kindergarten to college age, a movement that began in Tanzania when students asked her what they could do for the planet. In contrast to young people glued to their videogames, the members of Roots and Shoots are now engaged in diverse activities such as cleaning beaches and planting trees in 68 countries—a powerful impetus for all of us to hope. Goodall’s final cause for hope is what she calls “the indomitable human spirit,” an inner strength or energy force which enables us to fight for freedom and justice, to go on even when feeling hopeless. She asserts that we all have it, but psychiatric-mental health nurses often see those whose spirit was not nurtured during childhood or was crushed by abuse. What answer would Dr. Goodall give here? In her book, she speaks of young women in Burundi who were raped, and young men coned as soldiers, and the healing they ultimately found through counseling and helping others. I encourage you to delve more deeply into Goodall’s The Book of Hope, as this introduction is necessarily brief.

Clearly, all residents of the planet must deepen connections with the natural world and become as passionate as Jane Goodall about preserving its beauty and bounty. Many nurses have become involved in environmental activism, realizing that it is everyone’s responsibility to save planet earth. Many of us appreciated nature anew during our COVID-19 exile from restaurants and theaters. We found solace outside in the sunshine, especially in gardening, our hands in the soil, our blooming flowers inducing joy. Botanist Robin Kimmerer (2013) instills reverence regarding what plants and animals can teach us. Nurse scholars Dillard-Wright et al. (2020) have called our profession to recognize the reciprocal interdependence of all planetary life and engage in activism for climate justice.

Psychiatric nurse practitioners are prescribing interventions such as daily nature walks and forest bathing to restore healing connections with the natural world. Animal-assisted therapies are not new, but are receiving increased attention in the psychiatric literature (for example, see the recent article by Hultsjo and Jormfeldt (2022) on an equine-assisted group intervention for persons with psychosis, published in our March issue). The umbrella term for all of these therapeutic interventions involving plants and animals is “green care” (Salomon et al., 2018), and recent literature includes examples in care of people with depression, substance misuse, and dementia (Cutcliffe Bell Travale, 2016; Salomon et al., 2018). The green care movement follows in the tradition of Florence Nightingale (1860), who knew the British soldiers she nursed needed fresh air and sunshine, and William Tuke, whose York Retreat for patients with mental health conditions fostered therapeutic nature walks and care of farm animals (Cutcliffe Bell Travale, 2016). These recent developments in psychiatric nursing are hopeful, and hope is indeed contagious. We conclude with the words of Jane Goodall: “Hope is contagious. Your actions will inspire others” (2021, p. xiv).


在此期间为 2022 年社论选择的基调“寻找决心”,本月我将重点关注为天王星寻找决心。干旱变化以及接踵而来的后果火灾和泛滥的上升,恰巧在对我们星球上的本能和食肉动物居民的栖息地造成毁损。本能的鲁莽举动助长了天王星恐慌。恰巧如巴里辛格所声称的,“在在历史上的大部份时间里,人们认为自己依赖于周围的环境污染……直到现在的几百年,人们才可能——而且有点很恰巧常——砍伐森林、填埋湿地和封住山脉,因为它适合它们”(2022 年,第 20 页)。安理会秘序文长卑劣地声称,“我们恰巧坚定地走向一个不宜居住的世界性”(引自巴里辛格,2022 年),页。20)。

想象气来自简·越岭尔的《决心之序文》 ( 2021 年)),我不仅共享了她对天王星的一些智慧(和决心),还共享了助产士恰巧在采取的一些采取行动来慈爱天王星,并通过“绿色关怀”介入与天王星建立关联。越岭尔博士少年时在非洲森林之前作为昆虫学家的主人翁,慢慢地取得了她结识和深入研究的黑猩猩的宠信,然后挽回了有关灵长类食肉动物的科学知识,令人眼中深刻。更令人敬畏的是,她从一个调皮的年青成年人转变成了一位香港市民香港市民人物,被迫在亚太地区范围内就干旱变化、本能对环境污染的毁损以及我们这个困难重重的星球上食肉动物栖息地的忽视进行发表演说。在 COVID-19 之前,尽管她已经 80 多岁,

越岭尔决心的顾虑是(1)惊人的本能智慧;(2)自然地的重现气;(3) 年青人的气;(4) 毅气的----。只有本能拥有比灵长类食肉动物更大的额叶皮层,这使得自然语言和尽可能设定并不必须解决我们导致的精细解决办法。尽管所受了毁灭性的袭击,大自然地仍较强令人难以置信的再生能气。越岭尔博士亲身经历了这样的主人翁:一棵在长崎原子弹爆炸事件之前下落不明从前的柏树(如今被朝鲜人当成圣杯的),以及在非政府组织“放养东欧”倡议后西西里猞猁等食肉动物的回归。她充满决心的第三个诱因是亚太地区根与芽国家主义,该国家主义无关从学前到大学年长的数十万校内小团体,该国家主义始于塞内加尔,当时校内们询问她他们能为天王星做些什么。与沉迷于电子游戏的年青人相对于,根与芽的小团体如今在 68 个国家为生各种社交活动,例如洁净东海岸和植柏树——这是我们所有人决心的强而有气驱动气。越岭尔决心的之后诱因是她所谓的“毅气的本能精神”,一种内在的气或能量气,使我们并不必须为少数人和恰巧义而战,即使在感到迷茫时也能在此期间前进。她声称我们都有,但护理人员心理疾病助产士经常看得见那些精神在童年时期没有得到培养或被虐待压垮的人。越岭尔博士就会在这里给出什么答案?在她的序文之前,她谈到了被受害人的乍得年青成年人和被应征入伍的年青成年人,以及他们之后通过发表意见和试图他人而取得的治愈。决心之序文,因为这个讲解无论如何是引言的。

无论如何,天王星上的所有居民都必须促成与自然地世界性的关联,并像简·越岭尔一样对人身安全自然地的最美和富饶个人兴趣。许多助产士投身于了环保社交活动,意识到挺身而出天王星是每个人的责任。在我们从百货公司和剧院流放 COVID-19 期间,我们之前的许多人再难得大自然地。我们在游乐场的阳光下找到了愉悦,更是是在园艺之前,我们的双手在土壤之前,我们樱花的小花带来欢乐。植物学家 Robin Kimmerer(2013 年)向我们灌输关于植物和食肉动物可以教给我们的东西的景仰。助产士学术界 Dillard-Wright 等人。(2020 年)呼吁我们的拳击手认清所有天体永生的相互依存关系,并为干旱恰巧义而必要措施。

护理人员助产士从业人员恰巧在开具介入措施,例如日常自然地散步和森林净身,以恢重现与自然地世界性的愈合关联。食肉动物专门设计麻醉药并不新鲜,但在心理学古文献之前受到越来越多的关注(例如,参见 Hultsjo 和 Jormfeldt(2022 年)最近刊载在我们 3 月刊上的关于精神病病变的马专门设计团体介入的文章) . 所有这些无关植物和食肉动物的治疗法介入的统称是“绿色诊疗”(Salomon 等人,2018 年),最近的古文献包括治疗法忧郁症、躁郁症和绝症病变的值得注意(Cutcliffe Bell Travale,2016 年) ;大卫等人,2018)。绿色诊疗国家主义遵循弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔(Florence Nightingale,1860 年)的传统文化,她发觉她所照顾的英国卫兵必须暖气和阳光,而亨利·图克(William Tuke)的约克疗养之前心(York Retreat)为身患疾患的病变提供治疗法性的自然地散步和对农场食肉动物的诊疗(Cutcliffe 和 Travale,2016 年)。护理人员诊疗的这些最新演进是充满决心的,而且决心确实较强传染性。我们以简·越岭尔的话就此结束:“决心是就会传染的。你的举动将激励他人”(2021 年,第 xiv 页)。



